PlayStation Now Services Adds 5 new Games Including 'Uncharted 2:Among Thieves'


Sony has released five new titles on PlayStation 3's Now Services, on Tuesday, February 2. Uncharted 2 and God of War II are among the new titles that will be available only for North America according to Yahoo Games.

ArsTechnica reported that the five additional games was now added to PlayStation Now Subscription library, bringing a total 0f 109 games that users can play on their PS3s

The games that will be added are Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, God of War II HD, Red Faction Armageddon, Galaga Legions DX, and the Arcana Heart 3. Gamers would be indulging in games in their PS3s base on their subscription.

IGN commented on the games that they have experienced and rate the games that Sony included. They reported that Uncharted 2:Among Thieves was a hit back in 2009 whichb received a 'very good' comment.

God of War II also received thumbs up by scoring 9.7. Red Faction:Armageddon was a flawed game but gamers said that it is worth a try same with Galaga Legions DX that received a low score but was praised by its visuals.

The PlayStation Now's Director of Marketing Peter Jamshidi also promised their patrons, that Sony would be adding games to the service each month. Sony also announced and launched the PlayStation Now Subscription Plan in January. The available one-month for $20 and three-months plan for $45 according to IGN.

If Sony will continue the five per month addition of games, ArsTechnica estimated that it would take up to 11 years to for PlayStation Now to include all 771 PS3 games that are released over North America on 2014, excluding the games of PS2, PS1 and PS4 games that are expected to join in the service.

Game Informer stated that Sony is going to need to ramp up the subscription across their flagships on which PlayStation Now is available to have keep up with the demands of the gamers.

PS3, PlayStation, Sony

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