UFO Object Found in Siberia - Proves Alien Existence? Object Believed to be Older than Mammoth Bones


The existence of UFO has been a debatable topic for centuries. Some believe that it's impossible, while some are convinced that we are not the only ones in the universe. There were a lot of 'sightings', but none provided a concrete proof. However, the UFO object found in Siberia might change the minds of some non - believers.

One source was able to provide a report about this latest UFO finding. A Kuzbassrazrezugol mining employee, Boris Glazkov, was working when he found weird looking objects that looked like flying saucers. Two of these were found but the first one broke down. It was discovered 40 meters beneath the ground. Some say that the objects can be older than mammoth bones, given the depth where it was excavated.

Archeologists were able to check the stone but have yet to reveal their analysis, said one report. The object is almost a perfect circle, which is quite hard to accomplish during the old times. Plus, it weighs around 440 pounds. That is why UFO believers are certain that the new found object was not man-made.

There were a number of UFO sightings that were reported in the past decades. Let us provide you some of the most famous ones. In 1965, people from Pennsylvania saw a ball that fell from the sky. There were a lot of witnesses but the said ball was taken away by a vehicle. It was believed that the authorities were keeping the truth from the public. Another one was the sighting reported by the residents of Arizona where they saw unusual lights in different cities. This happened in 1997.

And just 3 years ago during the London Olympics, there was also that same claim. Experts say that it could be an aircraft. However, the organizers shared that an aircraft shouldn't be near the Olympics area. If you want to know more of these UFO findings, please click here.

UFOs will always awaken our senses even if you are a skeptic or a believer. For now, let's see what the experts will say about the odd stone found in Siberia. It doesn't matter if it is man-mad or not. It is still intriguing and fascinating.

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