Hacktivist Group Anonymous Targets ISIS, Fights Terror Online by Dismantling Organization's Web Presence


Most of the time, when we hear the word "Anonymous," we think of celebrities having their private photos published online, or websites suffering online attacks. But every one in a while, Anonymous can be a source of good as much as evil. And this is one such case- the hacktivist group has just made ISIS its latest target, and is dismantling the terrorist organization's online networks.

Anonymous has been using a number of methods to combat ISIS- using DDos (distributed denial of service) attacks to shut down any websites run by the group, and reporting any social media presence that comes from ISIS, prompting social media services to take down their accounts. As well, some Anonynmous members have allededly hacked into ISIS's personal online information and are surely striking blows there.

However, ISIS is fairly well entrenched in social media, and has laid out plans to safeguard its members against online attacks, so this Internet war may wage for some time.

Events like this may change the way society and the government currently looks at Anonymous. Especially if this ends up being a decisive blow in the fight against terrorists- we may have no choice but to consider Anonymous heroes. Or anti-heroes, at least.

Apparently, this latest anti-ISIS attack was spurned on by the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks, and Anonymous is calling their mission #OPISIS.

In a declaration of war against ISIS, Anonymous released a statement online, that reads as follows:

"Greetings citizens of the world, we are Anonymous,

Operation ISIS Continues:

First we need to clarify few a things.

We Are: Muslims, Christians, Jews...

We Are hackers, crackers, Hacktivist, phishers, agents, spies, or just the guy from next door.

We Are students, administrators, workers, clerks, unemployed, rich, poor, We are young, or old, gay or straight.

We wear smart clothes or rugs, we are hedonists, ascetics, joy riders or activists.

We come from all races, countries, religions, and ethnicity.


We Are Anonymous.


Anonymous may have a history of online mischief and some seriously illegal misdeeds, but if their contributions can help save lives and dismantle a dangerous organization, than they might have some good to offer the world as well.


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