Apple to Introduce Self-driving Electric Car Soon as Hundreds Work on Secret Project?


Apple has revolutionized a lot of things. The birth of iPhones changed the way we look at mobile phones. And now, we might expect something bigger from the company. It's not a new model of iPhone, but it would definitely make your jaw drop. They are said to be making an electric car.

A source says that this is Apple's top secret project that they have been working on for months already. They have codenamed in 'Titan'. Being an eco-friendly company, this is an absolutely great initiative. It is believed that the project is being conducted in a location where only the project members are allowed to go to. The team that is working on the electric car consists of more than 1,000 people and came from different industries. In fact, some says that Apple even hired people from Tesla. With that being said, the project that they are working on is definitely huge!

One of the reports revealed that an email from an Apple employee said that the new project will give Tesla a run for its money. Apparently, they are creating something that might threaten Tesla. If you must know, Tesla is a company known to manufacture electric cars and has made its first electronic sports car. Quite frankly, the company will have to level up their game if they want to compete with Apple.

Don't expect to get your hands on one of Apple's electric cars anytime soon, a source shared. Since they have started only last year, it would be a long way before we can see a finished and furnished electric car. Of course, some of the enthusiasts can hardly wait.

If this rumor is true, then Steve Jobs would be very proud of the team. Before he left this world, he was open about creating an Apple car. Sadly, he was not able to see the efforts that the team is putting into this project.

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