Aggressive New HIV Found: Virus stronger than the average strain, develops into AIDS in 3 years


HIV is definitely a nightmare. For years, experts in the field are trying to study how this can be cured. To date, we still don't have an answer on how we can fight this virus once infected. At an average, 1.5 million people die every year because of AIDS. Just recently, a new study that was conducted in Belgium might give us even more reason to fear HIV.

According to source, experts found out that there is a new strain of HIV found in Cuba. This is much more powerful than the average strain of the virus. Just so you know, it usually takes six to ten years for an HIV to progress as AIDS. But the new strain would only take three years. There were around 70 patients that were tested. While the number is small, it is nevertheless very alarming.

The outcome of the study called attention because based from one report, an HIV infected person might not even know that he already has it. HIV tests cannot detect the virus right away. That means, false negative results are very much common. There will be no symptoms and will just surprise the victims after a decade.

It is important that we are reminded how HIV can be transmitted. It can be through sexual interaction, blood transfusion and mother - to child as summarized by one source. It is also equally vital to be aware on how we can prevent this. It is a must that we practice safe sex, or better yet, increase people's awareness on sex education. Apart from that, intensive blood examinations should be done prior transfusion. And if one is pregnant, it is highly recommended to undergo series of test to check if you are HIV positive.

Having said the above, one can only hope that advanced studies will be able to find cure for HIV. It has been decades since the discovery of the virus, and until now we still have no match against it.

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