'Walking Dead' Season 5 Episode 12 Spoilers: Rick and Company Forced to Remember Life in Good Old Days


It’s all about re-adjusting to a normal life, or the closest thing to it after the Zombie Apocalypse, in this week’s episode of Walking Dead. In Episode 12 of Season 5, expect to find Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and the rest of the group in some sort of safe haven or hidden enclave where they can insulate themselves from a Zombie-infested world.

On The Flix has it that in the episode entitled “Remember,” the famed band of survivors will find it hard to mold into this new/old lifestyle, causing them to reflect whether or not they are the same people that they were before the Zombie age. A 34-second official teaser on You Tube seems to show Rick and company entering a heavily-reinforced gate, presumably into this enclave of safety. The next scene shows them marveling at what appears to be a suburban neighborhood that was left untouched by the recent mayhem.

However, the promo tape also comes with an ominous voice-over narration saying “People out there are all looking for an angle, they measure you by what they can take. It’s all about survival now.” This seems to indicate that whatever safety they will be enjoying early in the episode is all very temporary.

Episode 11, entitled “The Distance” ended with the survivors standing outside the Alexandria Safe-Zone gate. From what has been gathered, this week’s action takes place the moment they set foot in this dubious zone of safety. Wet Paint reported that the group will be asked to check-in their weapons upon entry to the enclave. That seems to the first red flag that ought to have convinced our heroes to turn around and take their chances in Zombie country.

They will undoubtedly end-up shrugging-off such red flags and allow themselves to be lulled into a false sense of security, at least temporarily. Hopefully, their bout with wishful thinking will not be too costly for our intrepid group of survivors.

The Walking Dead Season 5 Spoilers

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