Edward Kitsis, The Showrunner teased the fans about Emma and Hook's dating statu for Once Upon a Time Season 4.
The producers of the hit supernatural drama series, "Once Upon A Time," fourth season, sat down with an interview with TV Guide to announce some hot details on the show like the developing story of Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Emma Emma (Jennifer Morrison) , Robin Hood is returning to Storybrooke and other spoilers.
Kitsis told TV Guide, "They're getting pretty close. For Emma we've seen that she has a tough time letting people in. It took Henry a year, it took her parents a few years. I think she's just starting to open up her heart and that she and Hook are seeing what happens."
Adam Horowitz confirmed the fans' speculations surrounding that Robin Hood will return to the "OUAT" world. "That you will. Robin Hood returns to the world of Once Upon a Time and how he comes back and why and when and where we want to keep a secret for now," Horowitz explained.
Provided with the confirmation of the return of other Disney world characters into the TV series in ABC, the Hanh Nguyen publication went on to probe if the series has ever thought of getting some Marvel characters into it.
In the meantime, a story line for the upcoming episode was released in order to tease the fans and promotional purposes. "the people living in Storybrooke try to continue with their lives after Gold banished from their town. Hook and Belle look for a way to rescue the fairies from the Sorcerer's hat, while, Regina, Emma and Henry pursue to search for clues that could lead them to the Writer. But when a horrifying darkness falls on the town, Regina and Emma are obliged to face the true nature of evil. At the same time, In New York city, Ursula and Gold joined Cruella De Vil for a cause."
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