Metal Gear Online Update: Countering Cheats, Playable Maps in All Game Modes, Custom Match Options, Teamwork Tactics, And Other Details


Metal Gear Online is revealed with new details as Konami Los Angeles Studio has teased some new developments for the multiplayer game, including the team currently working on counteracting cheating players and playable maps, while putting off the possibility of a three team mode.

In the wake of the buzz involving the Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain and director Hideo Kojima, Konami took Twitter to answer queries from fans, including what more fans have to expect from the game and other developments.

While they announced a three team mode is not possible for now, Konami assures playing fans that Metal Gear Online would be different from Call of Duty's gameplay where instances of other players leaving the game it would not continue.

One of its responses to fans on Twitter reads: "Balance and sense of fun throughout are paramount to a good multiplayer experience regardless of intent."

Konami furthered that all maps in the game are intended to be playable in all existing game modes.

On March 23, Metal Gear Online's official Twitter account also gladly revealed a custom match option. After deliberating a fan suggestion, Konami has decided to implement additional player numbers from the array of selection: 1 versus 1, 2 versus 2, 3 versus 3, 4 versus 4, 5 versus 5, 6 versus 6, 7 versus 7 and 8 versus 8. However, matches between an even number against odd has not been clarified the developer.

Different teamwork tactics have been shown in the Metal Gear Online's trailer, including radar bombs, binoculars and shooting down trap balloons. The latter allows players to save companions from going heavenwards.

Meanwhile, the game has gone away with the dirty magazine tool for distracting enemy combatants in previous games by replacing advanced HD graphics with a stuffed puppy.

Metal Gear Online will be released alongside Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4, and PS3 on September 1 and PC on September 15.

Hideo kojima, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, Metal gear solid 5: the phantom pain news, Metal gear solid 5: the phantom pain update, Metal gear solid 5: the phantom pain release, Metal Gear Online

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