Benedict XVI After Relinquishing Papacy & Death Hoax; Will he rejoin Church life with Pope Francis?


Pope Benedict XVI, or Joseph Ratzinger, will turn 88 on April 16. It's a double number that signifies abundance, wisdom, and power. About a year ago, the former Pontiff had expressed relief that he wasn't overseeing anymore over a billion of the world's Catholics. Under his Administration, the Church had been at one of its lowest points. Pope Benedict's Church was racked by reports of sex scandals and infighting among the Vatican's bureaucracy.

So he opted to relinquish the Papacy in February 2013. Reports swirled that he was pressured to resign amidst all the abuse scandals that transpired during his term. Benedict later on refuted that he was pressured to step down, since his decision was done in full freedom.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI freed himself of the daunting task of being spiritual leader of a huge flock and administrative head of a global bureaucracy, to experience a quieter life. Yet even after Benedict's official sign-off, he continued to live within the Vatican City premises. At one point, he had expressed that he still wanted to "work for the common good and the good of the church and humanity" notwithstanding his advancing years and waning physical strength.

In March 2014, the reigning Pope Francis - who filled in the shoes of a strong helmsman for the church, had referred to Benedict XVI as an "institution" and divulged his discussion with the retired pope. It turned out that the two popes came to some sort of agreement that it would be best if Benedict XVI will continue to participate in the life of the church.

Recently, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI joined the string of global celebrities reported as dead, which turned out to be a hoax. Benedict XVI may have had his share of natural setbacks and threats to life, but his words and actions will continue to inspire many. This Lenten season, for instance, many will remember what he once said, that Lent can pave the way for people to know fundamental truths, including one's origin, destination and path in life.

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