DriveClub Releases Amazing MotorStorm Buggy Screenshots; Shows Good Sign After Storm


DriveClub finally released an amazing collection of screenshots including the iconic MotorStorm buggy, the Wombat Typhoon to show how good the game's looks. Evolution studios, the developer behind both DriveClub and MotorStorm had experienced major difficulties in the past years. The company went into a downward spiral when DriveClub failed miserably and received negative feedback from fans and critics alike.

The game was marketed as an online multiplayer racing game where gamers can enter racing clubs and compete with each other. It was a good concept and many gamers were hooked when all of a sudden, online servers were down rendering its main game feature useless. Aside from this, bugs, glitches and other problems popped up, frustrating gamers everywhere. Evolution Studios had made a public apology for the debacle and started to give off freebies to appease the anger of their customers.

Today, after the storm, DriveClub's developer, Evolution studios are showing signs of recovery and have released a few screenshots of the improved PS4 exclusive racing game and it looks good. According to reviews made by game critics like IGN, DriveClub's visuals are stunning albeit the arcade-like driving feel. However, the real test for this game is the stability of its online play, which was the main issue that stained the game last year.

Along with this apparent comeback, Evolution studios seems to be planning tour events for DriveClub. When asked about this, Evolution studios game director, Paul Rustchynsky said on Twitter that, "Not immediately, but in the near future yes."

Online tour events is an impressive leap forward to Evolution studios, especially with the server fail of the DriveClub last year. Successfully hosting such an event online will finally erase the stigma of their failures and be the ticket they need to compete against other racing game developers. If everything continues to go as it is, Evolution studios are in for a good year this 2015.

PS4, PlayStation 4, Sony, New games 2015

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