Illuminati Celebrities Revealed: Chris Brown, Rihanna ties knot as form of satanic ritual? Madonna welcomes Drake in a secret group with gruesome kiss


A lot of celebrities, particularly singers or performers have been involved in Illuminati. Although there are no certainties about it, there are some who believed that the famous and most popular ones have sold their souls to the devil in exchange of overwhelming fame and success. To name a few we have Jay-Z, Beyonce, Madonna, Chris Brown and Rihanna.

Speaking of Brown and Rihanna, source says that these two are back together. Obviously, their relationship isn't the best one that you can find. Years ago, they were all over the news as Brown physically abused Rihanna. It's a crazy thing to know that these two are dating, and on their way to getting married! Well, they say that it's actually part of an Illuminati ritual.

You have to marry someone with the same beliefs. And even if Rihanna has dismissed the fact that she belongs in a secret society, there are some insiders that confirmed otherwise. The new tattoo of this recording artist has been a center of discussion about her involvement in Illuminati as well.

Meanwhile, Madonna has also been a target about this Illuminati hype. Her performance during the Grammy's and her song are some of the strong indications that she belongs to the secret society. Now, the controversial kiss she landed on Drake circulated online like crazy.

A lot of people thought that the kiss was just overboard and gross. Some believe that it was another satanic ritual and that it was an initiation for Drake. Regardless if it's a ritual or not, Madonna has to stop what she's doing. She's obviously craving for limelight which she needs to let go!

Do you think the celebrities are just using Illuminati conspiracies just to become famous? Or do you believe there is a satanic force behind their greatness? After all, you have to admit that these singers aren't that good and their songs are already manipulated by some sort of sound machines. Let us know your thoughts about this.

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