Best Buy Offers $100 Discount to Customers Buying Windows 8 Laptops/Computers


Best Buy Co. Inc. has announced plan of offering 100 dollar discount for customer purchasing touch screen laptops or all-in-one computers operating under Windows 8 operating system.

Research survey, conducted by the largest electronics retailer in the world in December 2012, shows that the company will give discount worth of 100 dollars for those customers buying computers and laptops running on Windows 8 in its attempt to boost sales of touch-screen computing devices from Microsoft Corp.

The retailer mentioned in a statement that there is a growing interest from customers in touch screen computer devices following the introduction of Windows 8 product in the global market.

Meanwhile, many had criticized Microsoft for the latest versions of its Windows 8 for different devices and most technical writers in the U.S. responded with negative reviews of the operating system.

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