Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh wrote an article recently claiming that the White House concealed the truth behind the raid that the United States did towards Bin Laden. However, the White House pointed out that there is no truth in the claims of Hersh.
Seymour Hersh is known for making great articles such as the My Lai massacre and the 9/11 attack by terrorists towards the Twin Towers. His latest article features the White House concealing the Bin Laden raid noting that the story regarding this matter might have been penned by Lewis Carroll.
In 2011, the Bin Laden raid was carried out by the U.S. Navy SEAL in Pakistan. Hersh's main argument was about the many government officials of U.S. and Pakistan. Also, the Pakistani government is being accused of knowing where Bin Laden was hiding all along even before the Bin Laden raid happened. The White House has claimed that the Seal Team Six worked alone on the case and was able to track the whereabouts of Bin Laden, which was in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
The story was released on Sunday and on Monday, Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren released a statement saying that the piece written by Hersh is a fabrication as there were too many inaccuracies. Warren continued to deny the allegations that Pakistani officials had a role in the Bin Laden raid and pointed out that Pakistan only knew about the raid after it was carried out.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest also shared that the article of Hers is riddles with outright falsehoods. Analysts are also saying that Hersh's accounts were based on sources who are not that reliable and are largely anonymous. Hersh is also the first person to present such angle of the Bin Laden raid.
U.S. President Barack Obama and other officials from the White House are yet to comment on the claims made by Hersh. Hersh is also to release a statement regarding his response to Warren and Earnest's statements towards his article.
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