'Reign' Season 2 Finale: Major Spoilers reveals Mary being Pregnant; Deadliest Enemy for Season 3 exposed


"Reign's" season 2 finale is to end on Friday, May 15, and there has been major spoilers revealed about the last episode including the baby bombshell of Mary and her new enemy for the third season.

"Reign" producer, Laurie McCarthy, was recently interviewed and he talked about what are to expect for the last episode of the show and what will fans look forward to for the third season. McCarthy shared that Mary and Elizabeth's battle will continue to heat up and Catherine might even be part of the royal catfight but she would most probably be on the team of the latter.

As for the baby bombshell of Mary, it remains to be unknown whether or not she really is expecting a child from Condé or if she is lying about it. However, one thing is for sure, she remains to be on Team France as she wants to play her cards well and be clever about her decisions in order to redeem herself. Mary will still fight for Francis and will possibly keep her feelings for Condé on the sidelines as she is very serious with her role as the Queen of France.

Catherine and Elizabeth will continue to feel lonely since they live in patriarchy. Despite being in power, they feel threatened just like Mary. The third season of "Reign" will also show Keena struggling to survive in a man's world as she also has something prepared up her sleeve.

McCarthy also hinted that the Season 2 Finale will answer some of the questions that fans asked during the first season of "Reign." He shared, "Mary's had this journey with this group of girlfriends, her ladies, and they've all been trying to navigate not just court but adulthood. And I think we really kind of land them all in very different place at the end of this season."

McCarthy also revealed that the third season will focus on the court of England in order to allow the show to have a wider scope.

"Reign" will air tonight at 9 P.M. on CW and be sure to let us know what you think about the season 2 finale of the show.

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