Clearwire Puts Sprint Offer in Pending While Considering Dish Bid


Clearwire Corp. said that it expects to get $80-million financing from major shareholder Sprint Nexter Corp. but still considers offer from rival bidder Dish Network Corp.

Sprint in December offers a bid of $2.97 per share to buy the rest shares of Clearwire,, a wireless service provider. But shareholders of Clearwater were not satisfied with the offer given that Dish Network's offer, which is $3.50 per share, is much higher.

However, some analysts suspect that Dish chairman Charlie Ergen has still not fully decided to buy Clearwater because he is not yet done with the process of the company.

According to Wells Fargo analyst Jennifer Fritzsche, Dish could file litigation if its offer gets rejected since it is higher than Sprint's.

In January and February, Clearwater said that it preferred not to accept the $160 million in financing from Sprint, explaining that it had to do so in order to consider Dish offer.

Buyout, Stock sale

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