The girl known as the Human Barbie, Valeria Lukyanova, is now admitting that she did indeed photoshop those pictures of her flashing abs while wearing impossibly small jean shorts.
One look at the photo, and it's probably harder to say that it wasn't at least digitally altered in some way, though it's always tough to tell with someone who has basically embraced the seemingly unnatural aspects of her body.
Even though Lukyanova has admitted to altering the photos, she said it was done out of necessity and not out of vanity, according to Us Weekly. "The pictures are photoshopped to achieve smoothness and color correctness," according to Lukyanova.
Lukyanova maintains that the only reason she had to alter the photos was because they were of poor quality. She insists that she has not altered her figure in the photos, and that those images accurately show what she looks like in real life.
Lukyanova has also said that she has seen the negative comments people have made about her photos, according to Hollywood Life. She said that some of the comments are suggesting a disorder related to her appearance, and that she looks unnatural.
To Lukyanove's credit she has kept a positive attitude even amidst all the negativity surrounding her photos, according to Entertainment Tonight. She chalks all the negative comments up to people simply envying her for her beauty, and even goes on to say that all the words from her detractors have even touched her.
Whether or not Lukyanova's body is actually anything a young woman should strive for is a subject best left up to readers, but to say she has thick skin would seem to be true at this point. Lukyanova is very open about sharing her thoughts about her figure, even naming one particular person as an inspiration.
Lukyanova said she thinks highly of Medusa's feminine figure, even describing it as "perfect."
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