Agent Carter Season 2 Returns With 10 Episodes, New 1940's L.A. Setting; Hayley Atwell Talks Peggy's Grief Over Love Interest Captain America


ABC's "Agent Carter" Season 2 will soon be hitting your TV screens but this time, it will be in a new location; in trendy L.A. as reported by ABC officials.

In a recent panel interview at Comicpalooza in Houston, it was reported, that Hayley Atwell, the show's main star who plays 'Peggy' aka 'Agent Carter', stated the setting of Season 2 would take place within the "glamorous dark world of 1940's Los Angeles."

Atwell, also mentioned that Season 2 would consist of 10 episodes, as compared to Season 1 which only had 8 episodes in airing altogether.

The young actress also had talked about her role and described her character 'Peggy' as being emotionally grieved over her love interest, 'Steve Rogers,' also famously known as "Captain America." A role portrayed by Chris Evans in the movie, "The Winter Soldier".

Atwell continued to quote herself by saying, "She's grieved over Steve and she's now about to embark on a new adventure in her life. So she's in a much better place. So in terms of where she is, it's going to be a lot lighter for her; there's going to be more humor for her, more warmth. She's not struggling so much with her identity.'

Earlier this year, it was reported that right after Season 1 ended, thousands of avid Marvel fans had already been demanding for a Season 2 renewal from ABC. Proof of the show's huge fan base was mainly attributed to high TV ratings.

In fact, a recent Forbes report indicated a whopping 4.02 million viewers in total was recorded during the show's season finale giving ABC network a good reason to come up with a second season.

Additional reports from also showed that TV series, S.H.I.E.L.D. only had 3.73 million views overall on its worst day.

With Atwell holding the lead in TV ratings, it's no wonder why ABC network readily agreed to come up with a renewal for Agent Carter Season 2!

Agent Carter season 2 updates, Agent Carter Season 2 news, Agent Carter season 2 cast

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