19 Kids And Counting To Be Cancelled? Josh Duggar's Molestastion Scandal and Past Incest Joke In Show Causes Stir Online


Will the Duggar family continue inspiring families on 19 Kids and Counting show on television?

Since the molestation scandal about Josh Duggar, the eldest in the Duggar family emerged in the public, people are asking the question whether the show will continue to air or not? Although, the 19 Kids and Counting show have been pulled out in TLC after the scandal blew up, there's still no confimation whether the show will live on or die.

The scandal blew up when In Touch Magazine published a police report about Josh, now 27, molesting underage girls when he was in his teenage years. The police also added that the report was filed when Josh was 18.

In addition the numerous of girls he has molested, Josh also admitted to molesting one of his sister.Along with the admition of the crimes, Josh also said a public apology to the girls he had victimized.

"Twelve years ago, as a young teenager, I acted inexcusably for which I am extremely sorry and deeply regret. I hurt others, including my family and close friends."

A lot of online petitions are emerging to make TLC cancel the reality show.To make it worst, an old clip from 19 Kids and Counting is making rounds on the internet wherein Josh jokes about incest.

Dugar shared a story about their family and added, "We chose Jana and John David. Why not? Have a double date. We are from Arkansas, though."

That last sentence was said to be a reference to the stereotype in the South wherein people hook up with family member.Aside from the online petitions, netizens have taken it into their social media accounts to share that the reality show should be cancelled by TLC.

Michael Seewald, Josh's sister Jessa's father-in-law, defended the Duggar family via his blog. "Are the Duggars perfect in their interpretation of God's moral standards? No. but neither is anyone else," he said.

Now, it's up for TLC whether they'll cancel the 19 Kids and Counting show or not.

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