Veteran Hired by Andreessen Horowitz


Andreessen Horowitz, the venture capital firm has engaged the veteran expertise of Kenneth Coleman as one of its adviser on roster. Coleman's experience and expertise would only help to make Silicon Valley's most aggressive venture firms become better.

Coleman's role would be to be mentor, point of contact and advisor to Andereessen Horowitz portfolio firms. This was confirmed by Ben Horowitz, one of the partners of the venture capital firm that counts the 70-year old Silicon Valley veteran as one of his mentors. The two go way back, when Coleman hired Horowitz for the latter's first job, a position at Silicon Graphics during the early days of Silicon Valley.

Coleman said of the role, "I hope to be asked good questions, be a good listener, provide insight, open doors, make connections that might matter." He added that he has already assisted the firm's portfolio companies do their presentation at a pharmaceutical firm he also advises.

Coleman founded ITM Software, a management services firm that focuses on information technology. He also spent many years in various positions in Silicon Graphics Inc, Activision and Hewlett Packard.

Silicon Valley, Activision, Andreessen Horowitz

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