Fallout 4 to Handle Romance, Character Progression on Release


Fallout 4 takes place approximately 200 years after a war over resources that ended in a nuclear holocaust in 2077 - roughly the same time as the events of Fallout 3. The setting is a post-apocalyptic retro-future, covering a region that includes Boston, Massachusetts and other parts of New England known as the Commonwealth. Unlike previous titles, Fallout 4‍ '​s story begins on the day the bombs dropped: October 23, 2077. The player's character takes shelter in Vault 111 with their family, just to mysteriously awaken 200 years later unaged and as the vault's sole survivor.

The new series is Fallout 4, in this series, characters were being improved and weapons also are being upgraded. In Fallout 4, every time you level up you're able to unlock or upgrade a perk, giving your character new abilities and proficiencies. There will be about a dozen companions to meet and befriend, and maybe even form deeper relationships with other companion depending what character gender you chose - during your time in Fallout 4.

The series showcased a ton of different weapons, from sniper rifles to wind-up laser shotguns to the returning mini-nuke launcher. Also, you have a dog companion during this game. The arches his back and growls when enemies are near, making him a particularly handy alarm for Ghouls, who will try to get the drop on you from ceilings and through windows. Radiation seems to have a much more direct effect on the player in Fallout 4 - the more radiation you're exposed to, the more your maximum health is reduced, until you can purge it from your system.

Fallout 4 launches November 10, 2015 on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One.

Fallout game is a series of post-apocalyptic role-playing video games. The first two title series are Fallout and Fallout 2. The game developer then improved to have the game a role-playing tactical game and labeled it as Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. Then the third entry in the main series was Fallout 3 and the maker decided to make the game an action role-playing game. Developers named it as Fallout: New Vegas which was released on 2010.

XBox, PC, PS4, Fallout 4

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