Is John Cena in fatal condition? WWE superstar left unrecognized


Popularly known for being a professional wrestler and WWE superstar, John Cena has been in the spot light since June of 2002 where he made his debut in the WWE''s Smackdown. Over the years Cena rapidly progressed, and it was only after two years he won his first title the 'United States Championship'. He quickly made his name and earned the love and hearts of 1000's worldwide.

With his skilled moves and tactics, Cena made his way up the ladder earning himself many different titles and belts. During Cena's journey he has encountered many physical injuries that have left him out of action during some circumstances. However the most recent injury Cena found himself facing was when he broke his nose during a live match just a couple of days ago.

It was during Monday Night Raw when Cena was up against Seth Rollins for his United States Championship that he took a kick to his face having Rollins knee completely smash his nose. Despite the bloody mess and pain, Cena was still able to defeat Rollins and retain his title.

Apparently Cena was immediately taken to the local emergency room, WWE Doctor Steve Daquino confirmed. He was then checked out properly and evaluated to see if the wrestler obtained any other serious injuries. He then went through the necessary procedure to ensure his nose could be fixed properly straight away. The WWE Doctor also stated that the broken nose incident was not part of the scripted match; he included "something went wrong along the way."

Though Cena's injury is not fatal, Cena may have to wear a mask for a while, and refrain from participating in any matches for the mean time. However this shouldn't affect the build up to SummerSlam 2015 which is not far off, scheduled to be held on the 24th of August in New York City.

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