Victoria's Secret is losing $9B for casting out plus-size lingerie


Victoria's Secret, the leading lingerie brand dominating the 35% of the market is losing $9 billion opportunity for missing out plus-sized underwear in the line.

According to a market research from IBISWorld, in the next four years, plus-size women's clothing stores will generate $9B returns.

For the past five years, clothing lines offering plus-sizes for women had benefited from the increasing obesity rate in America. Still the demand will soar until the year 2019 in spite of the recession because people will still gorge over unhealthy eating with their disposable income. Added to that, the demand for the finest quality clothing brings profit to upmarket brands. For this reason, top labels like Victoria's Secret will gain revenue if they will offer over-sized line ups.

Up to this point, the largest size of the panty that the store offers is equivalent to 16 in which plus-size clothing ranges from 12 to 24. Some retailers even offer size 28, informed the Business Insider.

Dana Drew of Westminster, California had signed up a petition on requesting Victoria's Secret to consider larger women to their brand.

"Recently, Victoria's Secret launched a marketing campaign for their clothing and lingerie lines called "The Perfect Body." While I believe every company has the right to market however they wish, I also believe all women, including plus size women like me, have perfect bodies and deserve to feel sexy too. That's why I'm asking Victoria's Secret to introduce plus sizes to their collections so women like me can wear their products."

The United States have more than 100 million plus-size women and $17.5 billion were spent in plus-size outfits last year.

Brittany Cordts, a plus-size model, also made a petition to Victoria's Secret asking them to hire plus-size models. It had reached more than 4000 supporters. She wrote on Change, "They are sending a message to the world that you have to be a size 0-2 to be beautiful and worthy of wearing lingerie. Victoria's Secret is promoting self-loathing and it needs to stop."

Victoria's Secret has a strict perimeter in representing their trade name, but 'The Perfect Body' campaign had struck oversized women. So far, the top lingerie label is not taking action on these issues.

Victoria's Secret, United States

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