Watch out Beyonce, the first lady's hunting for your job. When asked if Michelle Obama could have another job, she says she wants Beyonce's Diva job.
In a brief tell all interview with the Wale, which was posted on Instagram, the first lady revealed the best advice that she would share if she could go back and do it all again. She explained, "Don't be afraid and to ask for help."
Wale then, asked her a follow up question that goes, "I you had the opportunity to have a different occupation, what would it be?" You will burst into amusement to her answer, really. It's jaw- droppingly awesome.
FLOTUS answered jokingly with a smile on her face, "I would be Beyonce'," she said, then busted a single lady dance move, then added, "I got the hand up!"
Almost everyone already knows what the two are up to for the interview and that is to support the Reach Higher Campaign. The interview was tapped after the first lady's Beating the Odds Summit held at the White House last week, where she later on had a sit- down interview with the rapper. Wale asked her random questions just to fire up the interview, such questions included topics on how to aid for college up to "Who's your favorite teacher?"
And speaking of Mrs. Obama's relationship with Beyonce', they are actually close friends. The two ladies got closer over the years, plus Bey also performed in Michelle's 50th birthday party just last year. The Grammy award- winning performer also posted her trip to the White House during Mrs. Obama's birthday party wearing a super sexy sequined dress and nude heels.
Being Beyonce' with her Diva- ish personality has been a dream of Mrs. Obama for quite some time already. In fact, in an interview with People in 2012, when asked if she would be someone else, who would she be, the first lady replied, "Gosh. If I had some gift, I'd be Beyonce', I'd be some great singer. The power of music, being able to play an instrument...It looks like musicians just have the most fun."
The Obamas and the "7/11" singer had developed closeness over the years and actually, the President's family loves her and even asked Beyonce' to perform at the Neighborhood Ball to celebrate President Barrack Obama's inauguration in 2009.
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