Opsona Therapeutics Raises Funds for OPN-305


Opsona Therapeutics has raised Eur33 million or US$43 million in Series C financing that was oversubscribed. The financing round was led by BB Biotech Ventures and Novartis Venture Fund as well as new investors such as Baxter Ventures, Amgen Ventures, EMBL Ventures and Sunstone Capital. Other investors were old hands such as Fountain Healthcare Partners, Seroba Kernel Life Sciences and Roche Venture Fund.

Opsona Therapeutics Ltd is an immune drug development company that develops new treatments for inflammatory diseases. The proceeds of the fund drive would be utilized to conduct a two step multi centered, double blind placebo controlled placebo study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of its lead product OPN-305 in renal transplant patients at high risk of Delayed Graft Function.

According to Dr. Martin Welschof, CEO of Opsona, "The innate immune system represents a new frontier in targeting inflammatory diseases, and the quality of venture and corporate investors in this funding round is a demonstration of Opsona's expertise and capabilities in this highly promising field. With their repeat investment, our existing investors have clearly indicated their long-term commitment to Opsona, while the new investment from BB Biotech Ventures, Sunstone Capital, Baxter Ventures, Amgen Ventures and EMBL Ventures is a further endorsement of Opsona's future potential."


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