AmSpec Acquired by Incline Equity


Incline Equity Partners announced today that it acquired AmSpec. Incline is a small and medium business focused equity firm with headquarters in Pittsburgh. Based in Linden, New Jersey, AmSpec is the foremost provider of quality assurance and certification services to the petrochemical, gas and oil industries.

"AmSpec has an exceptional track record of growth due to the company's unwavering focus on customer service at every level of the organization," disclosed by Partner of Incline Equity Partners, Jack Glover.

Principal of Incline Equity Partners, Leon Rubinov shared his reaction, "We are excited to partner with Joe Wright, Matt Corr, and the entire AmSpec management team to support the company's ongoing success and accelerate its domestic and international expansion initiatives."

Joe Wright, Chief Executive Officer of AmSpec responded, "Incline Equity Partners is a great strategic partner for us. Their operational focus and resources will help us leverage our capabilities to build a global company while maintaining our world-class capabilities and industry leading service."


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