Caitlyn Jenner On Being too Comfortable Being Away From The Media and From Home


Caitlyn Jenner's recent trip away from all the media ad the peace that she has experienced from it has made her very comfortable. It has come to the point that the comfort is scaring her. It scares her to feel that she doesn't want to come home anymore.

Caitlyn Jenner famously came out to the public regarding her transition back in April and revealed her new look for everyone to see in June. She is now a famous public figure for the LGBT group trying to make a statement to society today. Gossip Cop recently reported that according to Jenner, she has been comfortable with herself her entire life and the trip away from her home has given her the peace and quiet she desires. She's scared of wanting this feeling so bad that it scares her.

Her show premiered last month, featuring her life after her transformation. According to E! News, she understands the publicity that comes with her transition. She has chosen to share to the public who she really is and is open about the paparazzi that is following her here and there, but it would never hurt to have some privacy every once in a while. She shares all of these as seen on an exclusive sneak peek of this Sunday's episode of I am Cait.

As stated by New!, her transition from becoming a man to a woman has not been easy and she has shown this from saying that she's not yet comfortable swimming in a swimsuit. She says there should be no rush in her transition for she is still in the process of it all. She claims to do it one step at a time. According to her, it has to be taken into consideration that changing and showing one's true self is never as easy as it is.

The 65 year old Caitlyn Jenner has made a big statement to today's society and a great symbol to support the LGBT community. Someone as famous as Jenner could definitely help open the minds of everyone to accept this entirely different community and make it feel like they belong to this society.

Caitlyn Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner Updates, LGBT community

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