7 US Companies with Amazing Benefits for Parents


In a recent article, CNN lists companies that are generous when it comes to parental leave. Here are the top seven companies and their parental leave benefits as more and more American companies take work-life balance more seriously.

According to the article, new parents at Netflix enjoy an unlimited time off during the first year of their child's birth. Non-birth parents also get to enjoy the same benefit. On top of that, parents can opt to return to work anytime they want during that first year but still enjoy full pay.

Adobe recently announced the changes it made to its parental leave offerings. Starting November of this year, birth moms will be given 26 weeks paid leave with 10 weeks as and the other 16 medical leaveweeks as parental leave, which is also enjoyed by fathers and adoptive parents.

At Microsoft, 20 weeks of paid maternity leave will be given to mothers beginning this November. Non-birth parents are given 12 weeks of paid leave. Expectant mothers can also take two weeks leave leading to her due date. The change in their parental leave policy came after Netflix's announcement of the changes in their parental leave policy.

Facebook employees who will soon become parents will enjoy a $4,000 bonus they call as "new child benefit". They also provide four months of paid maternity and paternity leave. On top of all that, Facebook also funds daycare costs.

Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, provide 16 weeks of parental leave with the first 12 weeks taken sequentially and the rest of the time can be taken at will during the first year of the baby's birth. The company's New York offices also have their own gynecology clinic and hold their childbirth and labor classes.

IBM offers 14 weeks of paid maternity leave and 6 weeks of leave for fathers and adoptive parents. The company also recently offered to shoulder shipping costs of breastmilk to female employee's homes during business trips.

Apple also care about work-home balance by offering 4 weeks paid leave before a mother's due date and 12-14 weeks after the baby comes. Adoptive parents are also allowed 6 weeks of paid leave.

Facebook, Goldman Sachs, IBM, Apple

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