Super Smash Bros. 4 DLC Updates: Shovel Knight to join the brawl; Will Professor Layton go to battle?


Super Smash Bros. 4 is one of the more dominant franchises that Nintendo has to offer. With the most popular characters surrounding the series, the probability of adding more to the roster simply lights up the gamers, making them want more and more.

International Business Times reported that continuous rumors about Shovel Knight being part of the cast have been inevitable. Along with it, a Shovel Knight amiibo is also due to be released in correspondence to the said DLC character. As some may know, the Shovel Knight is of course a currently released game that is available on multiple platforms.

According to I Digital Times, the said speculation should still be put on a weighing scale, as there are still further announcements to be made. Until Shovel Knight developer Yacht Club Games took part of the tease regarding the inclusion of Shovel Knight in the DLC entitled Plague of Shadows. Moreover, there is a possibility that this news will be announced at the Nindies@Nite party to celebrate the Indie Nintendo games.

On a different route, Christian Today delivered that there are already existing results regarding the forum or polls of the characters that the players would most likely want to have in Super Smash Bros. Shantae is declared the most popular, whereas the later to-appear Shovel Knight comes second.

Furthermore, there have been rumors of Professor Layton will be in the brawler Super Smash Bros. 4 as well. Since the Professor Layton series has been in the Nintendo Lineup for many years, the speculation that his character will be in the game is more than unavoidable. That being said, the newest characters in the franchise are to look out for these new powerhouses that are bound to enter the ring.

Stay posted for more probable upcoming news regarding Super Smash Bros. 4, before the release date and perhaps in the future as more DLCs may come.

Super Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros 4, Super Smash Bros 4 update, Super smash bros dlc

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