Donald Trump Supporters Have the Worst Grammar and Spelling according to Grammarly


While Donald Trump is currently ahead of his Republican rivals in the polls, a study shows that his supporters are also leading the ranks of those who have the worst grammar and spelling.

Grammarly, a private, San Francisco-based company currently billed as "the world's leading automated proofreader" spearheaded that study. According to The Washington Post, the company went snooping on the Facebook pages of 19 presidential candidates to analyze comments from their supporters.

Grammarly had written in a blog post, "Whoever your pick for POTUS, one thing's certain-political topics inspire passionate discussions. With a light heart and heavy-hitting algorithms, we visited each candidate's official Facebook page and looked at the comments there to see how well their supporters handle themselves when they communicate their ideas in writing."

And Grammarly was able to make three interesting discoveries. First, supporters of Republican candidates make more mistakes than supporters of Democrats. Second, supporters of Republican candidates do not bother to use unique words compared to supporters of Democrats. And the most interesting discovery is that supporters of Donald Trump are the worst in grammar and spelling.

Democrat Lincoln Chafee currently may not be doing well in the polls but his supporters are found to have the lowest grammatica errors at 3.1 mistakes per 100 words. On the other hand, supporters of Republican Donald Trump make the most mistakes at 12.6 mistakes per 100 words. The supporters for Hillary Clinton are tied with thse of Carly Fiorina at 6.3 mistakes for every 100 words.

Somehow related if not coincidental, a Pew Research study published on Oct. 1 demonstrates that 30% of Donald Trump supporters possess a high school education or less, according to MarketWatch. On the other hand, 48% of the supporters of Hillary Clinton have a bachelor's degree or higher. This might somehow explain why Clinton's supporters are around 50% less likely to make grammar mistakes per 100 words than supporters of Trump.

It looks like Donald Trump would not really mind if his supporters have the worst grammar and spelling after all they are the ones who are helping him lead the polls.

Donald Trump, Donald Trump latest news, Hillary Clinton

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