
Capricorn Food Products India raises US$10 million from private equity funds

Capricorn Food Products India Ltd revealed that it had raised US$10 million from Quadria India. Capricorn Food Products India Ltd. announced that it had raised a private equity investment of around US$10 million from Quadria India.

Milestone Capital wants to exit businesses

Milestone Capital stated that they would rather choose to offload their assets than to sell the firm.

Qatar Investment Authority to invest US$300 million in Indian real estate

Qatar Investment Authority has announced that it is investing US300 million in RMZ Corp. Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), a sovereign wealth fund, announced that it is investing US$300 million in RMZ Corp.

Evercore Names New Senior Managing Director to Establish Singapore Office

Investment advisory firm Evercore announces new senior managing director appointed to set up Singapore branch.

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TPSF shareholders announced that KRR will manage US$78 worth of assets. Shareholders of PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk (TPSF) announced that they have signed a definitive agreement with KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts).