
WP&C annouces partnership with TKTW

Wilson Perumal & Company announced their partnership with The Key To Way. Wilson Perumal & Company (WP&C) announced their newly formed strategic partnership with The Key To Way (TKTW).

Ho to invest in Russian casino resort

Macau's Lawrence Ho to invest in a Russian casino resort Lawrence Ho, the Macau gambling magnate, is set on extending his global reach after two of his companies entered into an agreement to build a new casino resort.

Yum! Brands show profit despite China difficulties

Yum! Brands increased profit numbers despite backlash in China. Parent company of the world famous Pizza Hut and KFC restaurant chains, Yum! Brands Inc.

Naspers discuss US$1 billion bond sale

Naspers announced that they are considering the sale of US$1 billion bonds to fund acquisitions Naspers Ltd. announced that they are considering selling as much as US$1 billion in debt to fund acquisitions.

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ING Group will exit its South Korea-based investment management business to acquire Australia's Macquire.
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