
Sumitomo Corp Pulls Out of JV Agreement

Sumitomo Corp pulls out of JV Agreement and purchase sale of coal mining tenements. In disappointing move, Sumitomo Corp has pulled out of a coal exploration partnership with Aquila Resources.

BHP Billiton Sells Assets to Capstone Mining

BHP Billiton sells Pinto Valley copper mine and an Arizona railroad to Capstone Mining Co. In agreement reportedly worth US$650 million, BHP Billiton sells two major assets to Capstone Mining Corp.

India Fund Managers Get Creative

The race to get top investors between foreign and local managers heats up in a system with little foreign currency exposure and lack of information on deals.

Youku Sees Original Mobile Content to be Profitable

Youku views mobile content as platform for profits for the firm. China's largest online video company, Youku Tudou Inc. , claims that original programming and a drive into mobile content will support the company as it looks into posting its first profit since its initial public offering in 2010.

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NEC's restructuring plan is underway as it receives loans from major banks and sells off quality assets to the market.
Pegasus Airline, Turkey's low cost air carrier, raises nearly 1.93 billion lira or US$1.07 billion in its IPO.
Yakult and Danone dissolves its strategic partnership. Yakult Honsha Co Ltd, the Japanese health drink manufacturer will dissolve its tie up with Danone SA of France.
Charter Hall plans to invest money for acquisitions and list publicly REITs. The owner of Sydney's more than century old General Post Office building, Charter Hall Group, is planning to purchase Aus$1.
ADM purchases Australia's GrainCrop for US$2.3 billion. The world's largest corn processor, Archer-Daniels-Midland Co finalized an agreement from GrainCorp Ltd for the purchase of the rest of the Australian crop handler's business and assets.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries is open for merger option but has not made formal moves despite report from Nikkei newspaper.
In a surprising move, Ramky Enviro has suspended the scheduled IPO citing 'tepid market conditions.'
Potash Corp of Sasketchewan has formally withdrawn its takeover bid over Israel Chemicals. The Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Inc has cancelled a proposed takeover bid for Israel Chemicals Ltd after criticism of the deal was made by workers and politicians alike.
SDA rates cut by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to limit inflows and increase outflows. For the third time this year, the Philippines has cut rates it pays on special deposit accounts in an effort to curb capital inflows and prevent asset bubbles.