
Goldman Sachs' social impact investment showed successful result in Utah

Goldman Sachs found its pre-kindergarten program in Salt Lake City had worked for both sides: the state, and the company itself. The program was conducted by Utah Voices for Children and was set to expand the spots in the program for 600 children. All of the children involved in the program were from low-income families, and 110 were expected to need special education in elementary school.

British tech community delivers innovative solutions to refugees

Technology experts gathered in a one-day conference to tackle how they could help European refugees. They created an open office for all techies who wanted to help.

Global 'QE glut' to brim through 2015 as funds swim with the tide

If the world's biggest central banks were actually coordinating a global monetary policy, they could scarcely do a better job of convincing financial markets right now.

Chicago church gives congregants $500 each to spend for good cause

Churchgoers grumble that they always get hit with pleas for money. But congregants at a Chicago church this month got a surprise – they each received a check for $500, with instructions to go out and do something good with it.

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Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan were the most generous American philanthropists in 2013 according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the Associated Press reported.
As crowdfunding continues to grow in popularity, its effect towards giving to more established and bigger charities have become a cause for concern among nonprofits, The New York Times reported.
The UK government is now listing down charities, educational, and other random websites wrongly blocked by Internet service providers when web filters designed to block porn came into full effect.
PricePanda, a price comparison website, was able to get new funds from German retailer Tengelmann Group worth $3 million to expand the site to other South Asian markets, TechCrunch reported.
Wikimedia Foundation Inc., operator of the world's #5 website Wikipedia, on Tuesday began its new crowdfunding campaign. The foundation seeks to raise USD50 million, up from the USD30 million it raised last year.
New York-based online auction site CharityBuzz has raised USD100 million in funding for good causes such as UNICEF, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, by auctioning off time and possessions of famous people.
Two separate reports concluded that Wikipedia may shut down early if it does address the issues of its declining editor base and its bureaucratic system and guidelines.
An article pointed out how the donation of the state of Hong Kong paled in comparison to donations and efforts by HSBC Group and KGLI Asia.
The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia requested for USD3 million funding from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission for its regional trail network project.
Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, in a press conference, discussed the construction of a cancer and surgical cleft center in his state with the help of private entities.
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