
Zheshang Bank Co. Postpones Gauging Demand for $1 Billion Hong Kong IPO

Due to some investors' difficulty in transferring their cash out of mainland China, Zheshang Bank has decided to postpone their $1 billion Hong Kong IPO.

China to lay off 6 million state workers

China has decided to layoff millions of workers from 'zombie enterprises' in the next two to three years. For relocating retrenched workers, the government will spend Yuan 100 billion ($15.27 billion). China's economy is suffering from industrial overcapacity and pollution levels.

China's super regulator plan may merge banking, securities & insurance sectors

China is working on a new financial super-regulator mechanism to take care of banking, securities and insurance segments under one umbrella. Recent turmoil in the financial markets are driving the Chinese government to revamp financial monitoring mechanism.

Indian tech start-ups seek investment from China

The technology start-ups in India are looking for investments from Chinese companies like Cheetah Mobile. The booming Indian technology sector is attracting many tech companies in China to invest in these Indian techs start-up firms.

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China has been widely criticized for strict cyber laws. On Sunday, the communist government has mulled its legislative power to impose ban on accounts of former Chinese tycoon, Ren Zhiqiang. While around 40 Chinese journalists have been confined in jail as victims of tougher cyber laws, the communist government is going to enact further tougher laws on March 10.
China has represented itself as a familiar lender to the Latin American Countries and businesses fighting for debts. In a similar approach, it has extended loan facility to Brazilian indebted oil giant Petrobras for $10 billion securing oil for Chinese companies. The announcement has appeared just after the latest downgrading by Moody’s to junk status following several other credit rating agencies.
Registering the highest since April 2009, Nissan Motor Co's stock surged 12 percent following its buyback news. Nissan has announced its plan to buyback $3.5 billion worth shares.
Alibaba plans of expanding and venturing into other business the reason it is seeking $4 billion in loans. It is already in talks with several banks and the request will be finalized by next month.
Did Kuaidi, the largest ride-hailing service in China is about to raise $1 billion the same amount that Uber spent last year for its expansion. It is going to be a tough competition for both companies since they are being backed up by other large companies such as Alibaba and Tencent Holdings Inc.
PBOC governor Zhou Xiaochuan is confident to say that China's economy is healthy along with the assurance that yuan will not be devalued again and that the country has enough monetary tools to support the economy.
Hedge funds are favoring eHi Car Services Ltd (NASDAQ:EHIC) stocks. Many hedge funds are reportedly increasing their collective stake in the China's car rental company.
Oppo has unveiled Super Vooc Flash, the ultra fast charging device, during Barcelona Mobile World Congress. No compatible device has been suggested in the introductory session which indicates the device is still in the prototype stage. The Oppo device is claimed to be superior since it diminishes the risk of overheating and can operate in a lower voltage.
US dollar against Yen is rising as renewed buying support is propelling Japan's Nikkei index upwards. The priority shift among some investors from traditional safety net of Japanese currency to equities was the major reason on Nikkei's rise. The market players are eagerly waiting for the outcome of G-20 meeting this weekend in Shanghai.
China’s leading developer and operator of integrated casinos in Macau, Sands China, anticipate the casino industry recovery after a prolonged decline in revenues. The company is also preparing to finish its newest project, The Parisian Macao, to be launched later this year.
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