China to lower cap on foreign investments in 2016
The world's second largest economy will lower threshold for foreign investments in 2016. The Commerce Ministry of China has confirmed that the government is in the process of lowering the limit on foreign investment for 2016 year. China recorded 6.4 percent growth in foreign direct investment during 2015.
Zheshang Bank Co. Postpones Gauging Demand for $1 Billion Hong Kong IPO
Due to some investors' difficulty in transferring their cash out of mainland China, Zheshang Bank has decided to postpone their $1 billion Hong Kong IPO.
China to lay off 6 million state workers
China has decided to layoff millions of workers from 'zombie enterprises' in the next two to three years. For relocating retrenched workers, the government will spend Yuan 100 billion ($15.27 billion). China's economy is suffering from industrial overcapacity and pollution levels.
China's super regulator plan may merge banking, securities & insurance sectors
China is working on a new financial super-regulator mechanism to take care of banking, securities and insurance segments under one umbrella. Recent turmoil in the financial markets are driving the Chinese government to revamp financial monitoring mechanism.