
Amarc Can Increase Controlling Interest in JV, Says JV Amendment

Accoriding to an ammendment, Amarc can increase controlling interest in the joint venture. An amendment to the ZNT and Galaxie joint venture was announced by Amarc Resources Ltd.

Glencore Acquires 11.6% Stake in PolyMet

Glencore acquired 11.6% stake in PolyMet. Glencore Xstrata plc announced the acquisition of 31,756,979 common shares of PolyMet Mining Corp. by Glencore AG, a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Siemens pulled out of bidding for Britain's multi-billion Crossrail project

Siemens admitted it did not have the capacity to produce 600 carriages that resulted to its withdrawal on the bidding war.

RBC Global Asset Management Inc. Funds Increase in June

RBC Global Asset Management Inc.'s sales of funds increase in June. RBC Global Asset Management Inc. announced on Friday that June net sales were Can$318 million, comprising of Can$268 million for long-term funds and Can$50 million for money market funds.

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Bell Media acquired Astral and appointed new top executives. Bell Media officially acquired Astral Media Inc. for Can$3. 2 billion. The acquisition included two over-the-air TV stations, 77 radio stations, eight pay and specialty TV services, and last but not least, the Astral's out-of-home division.
Loblaw, Canada's biggest food retailer raised about Can$400 million for its real estate investment trust in an initial public offering.
Billionaire Eike Batista halted operations in iron-ore mine Corumba to save his empire’s commodities.
Conergy filed for insolvency after failing to get a deal with an investor who would finance its debts and operations.
Wits Gold offered Great Basin Gold Ltd. ZAR 950 million though a stockholder loan for its Southgold unit.
A group of wheat growing states joined the US Justice Department antitrust division in investigating a proposed joint venture by ConAgra Foods Inc and Horizon Milling.
On Friday, Vivus Inc said that three of the nine people were recommended to the company’s board of directors by First Manhattan Co’s proxy advisory firm, ISS.
Vodafone Group PLC was expanding its enterprise in Africa with the hope to provide better service in the nation after earning Euro 1 billion.
CleanTech will be changing its name to EQCO2 to better reflect its objectives and operations. CleanTech Transit, Inc. announced that it would change its name to EQCO2, Inc.
EQT hired Morgan Stanley for the sale of Swedegas, a Swedish gas grid operator, for a deal valued at Eur500 million.
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