NBC Universal picks up minority stake in Canadian TV producer Lark
New York, US-based media firm NBC Universal International Television Production picked up a minority stake in Vancouver, Canada-based independent TV producer Lark Productions for an undisclosed amount.
AAG Energy considers reviving Hong Kong IPO
China-based coal bed methane producer AAG Energy Ltd may revive its plan for an initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong which was shelved last year, to raise funds for its 2014 operations.
KKR and Permira exit $1.7B stake in Germany's ProSiebenSat.1
Private equity firms KKR & Co and Permira Advisers exited a 16.6% holding in German commercial broadcaster ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG (PSM)in a deal valued at around €1.26 billion ($1.7 billion).
Israel's PowerUp Toys raises over $1M for smartphone-controlled paper plane
Tel Aviv, Israel-based startup PowerUp Toys raised over $1 million via crowdfunding platform Kickstarter for a smartphone-controlled paperplane, with still eight days to go for the campaign.