Goldpoly teams up with Kunlun for joint acquisition of 500MW solar power plants
Goldpoly New Energy Holdings Limited entered into a framework agreement with Kunlun Trust Co., Ltd for a joint acquisition of 500MW of solar energy plants in China and Mongolia.
Brand Energy offers LBO debt terms, Western Refining seeks loan for Northern Tier acqusition
Brand Energy & Infrastructures Services Inc. proposed terms on a debt backing its leveraged buyout by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. Western Refining, on the other hand, sought a loan for its Northern Tier acquisition.
Canada open to options for its stake in Hibernia offshore oil project
In a moment of candor, Canadian Finance Minister confirmed that the federal government would be open to options as to how to best utilize its 8.5% stake in the Hibernia offshore oil project.
Venezuela's PDVSA to sell bonds to shore up dollar reserves
Petroleos de Venezuela SA is set on selling USD4.5 billion worth of bonds to increase scarce international reserves as well as curb the fastest rising inflation rate in the world.