
OAO Gazprom Neft seeking new loan terms

OAO Gazprom Neft, the Russian state owned natural gas giant, has been shopping around for lower interest rate termed loans.

Petroecuador unit is looking for partners to increase oil production

State-backed Petroamazonas had proposed to 31 companies who were willing to partner up with the oil company and aid in boosting oil production.

Linc Energy CEO in talks with two groups for shale exploration project

Linc Energy CEO Peter Bond said they were already talking with two groups who were interested in taking part in its shale exploration project.

Pavilion Energy seeks to invest in infrastructure for LNG supply

Pavilion Energy, which is owned by Temasek Holding Pte, would seek to expand its infrastructure interests in LNG.

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Subject to board approval, all preparations are being done for the IPO of the Moroccan unit of the Abu Dhabi Energy Corp.
A reduction in gas prices could be felt all over the US. Gas prices had been dropping all over the country. GasBuddy, a website that monitors the prices of gas around the US revealed that prices at the pump had fallen to as much as USD 3.
San Miguel Corp. President Ramon Ang said on Tuesday that it had been in talks with JG Summit Holdings Inc to sell a part of a stake it owns in Manila Electric Co.
Sources told Reuters that Chevron Corp would be getting bids by the end of September for its Nigerian oil blocks.
Russian Presidential aide Yury Ushakov told reporters that state-backed nuclear company Rosatom would be signing an agreement with Fennovoima for the construction of a nuclear power plant.
Entergy Corp officials said on Monday that the company had resubmitted its grid plan sale to Texas regulators.
SolarCity Corp struck a marketing partnership deal with Crius Energy Trust. SolarCity Corp announced that it had agreed to a partnership agreement with Crius Energy Trust.
Two firms were hired by Palmet Enerji to advise it on its IPO scheduled next year. Turkey-based Palmet Enerji said it had hired Garanti Yatirim Menkul Kiymetler and BGC Partners to be its advisers for the group's initial public offering.
According to a report from Il Secolo XIX newspaper on Saturday while citing sources, Italy's Finmeccanica asked state owned Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to make an acquisition offer to buy the defense group's energy company.
In a bid to comply with the 2010 Brazilian oil law, the government has sought ways to provide assistance for Petrobras to comply with requirements.
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