Petromoc to List IPO in Either South Africa or Europe
Petromoc is mulling on IPO options as to venue and value. The Mozambique state owned distributor of petroleum products, Petroleos de Mocambique SA, is in the process of reviewing the possibility of an initial public offer of its shares either in South Africa or Europe.
Sinopec of China Enters into Agreements with CPC of Taiwan
The neighbors at the Formosa Strait are now in agreement as to oil and gas explorations in Myanmar. Sinopec Group, the largest Asian oil refiner, had announced last Thursday that it had entered into an agreement to sell its 30% shareholdings in an oil and gas block located in Myanmar.
IFC Provides Loan Facility for Acme Solar Energy
IFC has forged a US$50 million credit facility for Acme Solar Energy projects. The World Bank's private sector finance arm, the International Finance Corp, has plans to loan as much as US$50 million to an Indian solar power developer in order to finance the building and operation of key power projects.
KazMunaiGas to Issue US Dollar Denominated Bonds
KazMunaiGas are preparing two tranches of Eurobond issues each with a nominal value of US$200 million.