
Li-Fi, a wireless technology that is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi

Li-Fi, a superfast wireless technology, has been proven to be able to transmit data about 100 times faster than current Wi-Fi technology in its first real world test. An Estonian startup Vermenni revealed that it has begun trialling Li-Fi within offices and industrial environments in Tallin and found that the technology is able to send data at up to 1 GB per second.

EBRD to bet EUR20 million in Baltic private equity

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development latest EUR20 million capital infusion into the Baltic region through BaltCap Private Equity Fund II, L.P. aimed to help small and medium-sized businesses and small mid-cap firms with much-needed long-term financing.

Estonia builds startup fund for another Skype

Estonia revealed its plan to raise a new fund of EUR60 million for the development of a second Skype.

Livonia enters Baltic economies with USD 117 million private equity fund

Livonia Partners would be investing in three Baltic economies with a private equity fund valued at USD 117 million.

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