IKEA Reaches Out to Refugees By Providing Them with Shelter: Company cuts down profits
The war-torn countries around the globe have been forcing fleeing of the locals to nearby countries. The large percentage of refugee migration has principally been seen from war struck countries like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan since World War 2. Recently, millions and millions of Syrian refugees fled for shelter in their neighboring countries, but alongside their lives lack many other basic needs.
Swedish researchers created an electronic rose
Researchers at Linkoping University Sweden have created the analog and digital circuit inside living plants. Using the vascular system of a living rose as the model, they made the key elements of an electronic circuit inside the living rose and light up ions inside the flower's leaves.
Europe recession looks enduring, warns think tank
Europe recession looks enduring, warns the IPPR report. It said the severe unemployment and underemployment in Europe are signals of an alarming situation about the deepening recession.
Britain's weirdest, but highest paid jobs
There are unbelievably weird jobs popping up in Britain that pays a ridiculously high amount of money. According to Unum, looking for the right candidates for these particular jobs may take time since they require more specific skills compared to other typical work. One example is the tea taster, which requires the applicant to be good at identifying the different ingredients in a cup of tea.