
Using Apple Pay for Tube journey in London? Ensure your battery doesn’t drain out

As Apple Pay is rolled out successfully in U.K., it is welcomed as a boon by several people in the country for making petite payments such as for tube travel, pound stores, confectionaries, and coffee shops

Greece Votes "Yes" on Reforms to Possibly Receive Bailout

Greece surrendered to Europe's demands, approved austerity measures to possibly receive a bailout and finally "Grexit" out of the Euro.

British Gas rolls out all-new and revived Hive thermostat and other smart home devices

UK's leading energy supplier, British Gas unveiled its all-new and next-generation thermostat for its associated home brand Hive along with a host of other smart home devices.

Russia offers energy pipelines to Greece - a very expensive lifeline, skeptics say

Russia's offer to support Greece wouldn't be a surprise considering the close ties between these two countries. However, some experts have an interesting view of the impending scenario.

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Citibank is testing on a new digital currency Citicoin at this point, handling a run-through platform and evaluating key measures. In line with this, the premier bank is also suggesting the U.K. government to provide its own digital cash.
BMW seem to be emerging as a leader in tackling the challenges of meeting the ever-increasing demands for alternative auto fuel sources. The German automobile giant at the recently held Innovation Days 2015 in France unveiled its all new and enhanced BMW Hydrogen-Powered 5 Series GT which was co-developed with Toyota.
Shares fell, the euro stumbled and yields on weaker euro zone economies' bonds rose after Greece overwhelmingly voted against conditions for a rescue package, but there was no rout and contagion was limited.
Formula One's commercial rights holders CVC Capital Partners are under no pressure to sell their controlling stake in the sport and want to keep it, co-chairman Donald Mackenzie told Reuters on Saturday.
Four great crises around Europe's fringes threaten to engulf the European Union, potentially setting the ambitious post-war unification project back by decades.
Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann has warned Angela Merkel's cabinet that a Greek exit from the euro zone would rip billions of euros out of the German budget, German business daily Handelsblatt reported on Sunday, citing government sources.
Russian President Vladimir Putin must be finding it hard to contain a wry smile as the European Union struggles with Greece's debt problems.
European bonds and stocks traded cautiously on Friday before a Greek referendum on EU-prescribed reforms that could determine the country's future in the euro zone and which polls suggest could go either way.
Airbus (AIR.PA) signed an agreement on Thursday to set up its second plant on Chinese soil in a deal that the European planemaker hopes will lead to lucrative new plane orders.
The Swedish crown sank 1 percent on Thursday after Sweden's central bank surprised markets by cutting interest rates deeper into negative territory and saying it would pump more money into the economy, citing risks from Greece.
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