Draghi throws ECB door open to money printing as global prospects dim
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi threw the door wide open on Friday for more drastic measures to prevent the euro zone from sliding into deflation, promising to use whatever means necessary as China also acted to boost its sagging economic growth.
European Parliament may propose Google break-up in draft resolution
The European Parliament is preparing a non-binding resolution that proposes splitting Google Inc's (GOOGL.O) search engine operations in Europe from the rest of its business as one possible option to rein in the Internet company’s dominance in the search market.
EU investment plan to take shape next week
Jean-Claude Juncker will unveil a much anticipated 300-billion-euro ($370 billion) investment plan on Wednesday that is meant to trigger economic growth in the European Union.
Falling oil prices influencing global monetary policies
While the fall in the oil prices is generally regarded as positive for many businesses, it has a major influence on inflation expectations, interest rates and bond prices at the global level.