Increasing number of Hedge Funds going into municipal debt
More and more hedge funds are infusing money into cash strapped municipal governments. In the last twenty years, specialized private equity firms have lorded corporate bankruptcies, being called 'vultures' and at the same time infusing capital for these distressed companies.
Apollo Global Sharholdings to Undergo Major Changes
Apollo Global's two founders and other cornerstone investors have committed to sell off part of their shareholdings.
Portugal Sells Bond Issues
Portugal bond sale met with high demand as For the first time since the bailout of 2011, Portugal sold ten year bonds. This is a clear manifestation as to the untiring efforts to restore investor confidence in the recovering economy of the country through the hard fought implementation of austerity policies.
Top Three Investors in JP Morgan on the Fence
BlackRock, Vanguard and Fidelity remain on the fence as to the approval of the recommendation to separate CEO and Chairmanship duties.