Matahari US$1Billion Sale Nets Varied Investors
The interest of CVC Capital Partners is being sold in the market drawing much interest. CVC Capital Partners, who is backed up by Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC and Schroders, the asset manager, has raised US$200 million in pledges.
Nexen to Add CNOOC Guarantee
CNOOC to guarantee Nexen bond issue. Nexen is seeking to amend its current terms of debt with holders of almost US$4 billion worth in bonds. The amendments seek to remove some of the conditionalities as well as add CNOOC as guarantor of the bond issue.
Mando Planning IPO in Hong Kong
The listing of Mando's Chinese unit would be done in the Hong Kong bourse. The largest unit of the Halla Group of South Korea is planning to undertake an initial public offering of its Chinese unit.
Bancorp Eyes OneWest
OneWest, the bank from bankrupt IndyMac, is now interested in growth plans either through IPO or through outright sale.