Growth Equity
ChemistDirect Gets More Funding
ChemistDirect obtains more funding totalling US$10 million. The leading online health service, ChemistDirect, had secured new investments totalling US$10 million.
Glencore Acquires 11.6% Stake in PolyMet
Glencore acquired 11.6% stake in PolyMet. Glencore Xstrata plc announced the acquisition of 31,756,979 common shares of PolyMet Mining Corp. by Glencore AG, a wholly-owned subsidiary.
RBC Global Asset Management Inc. Funds Increase in June
RBC Global Asset Management Inc.'s sales of funds increase in June. RBC Global Asset Management Inc. announced on Friday that June net sales were Can$318 million, comprising of Can$268 million for long-term funds and Can$50 million for money market funds.
CEO: Veolia may boost up to Eur5 billion revenue from Oil sector
Veolia Environment anticipated to earn Eur5 billion from the rich and rapidly growing hydrocarbon industry.