Europe milk over-supply makes it cheaper than water
Milk is overflowing in Europe for a lot of reasons, chief of these is that Russia has stopped the importation of milk while Chinese demand has lessened. There is so much splashing around the European Union that makes milk always less expensive than bottled water. In U.K., a liter of bottled water costs $1.50 while a liter of milk costs only $1. The same is almost true in France. In German supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl, a liter of milk costs only about 55¢ while a liter of bottled water costs around 72¢.
One Third Of US Workers Say They're "Free Agents," Not Tied To Just One Boss
More and more U.S. workers don't want to work for the "Man" anymore and be tied up to just one boss as they consider themselves "free agents." In a report by CNN Money, 31% of workers in the US consider themselves "free agents," according to a survey from Kelly Services, a recruiting and employment firm. These "free agents" consider themselves contractors, small business owners, temps, freelancers, and moonlighters, but never "traditional employees." This means, they don't get their income from just one boss. Most of these free agents said they entered their type of work willingly, and only 10% said they were forced into it due to economic conditions.
Analysts Predict Higher Demand for Macau Gaming Next 10 years, Leading to Las Vegas Sands' Macau Hotel Operations Growth
There are different factors than can lead to the significant growth of Las Vegas Sands' Macau Hotel Operations, including the higher demand for gaming in the next 10 years.
US home lending grows for 5 quarters in a row
At a time when the US construction sector is showing renewed activity, the rise in construction spending is boosting the US gross domestic product (GDP). At this juncture, home builders are upbeat on the prospects in the real estate and construction sectors as availability of loans is longer scarce.