
Too big to fail is not a reason anymore

Banking regulators now are empowered to confiscate and break up a financial institution if bankruptcy would only hurt the economy.

Jordan receives third tranche of IMF funding

Due to so-called 'exogenous shocks', Jordan leverages release of third tranche of the IMF funding.

Republicans blame Obama for continued impasse

The proposal to extend the debt ceiling another six weeks is untenable, according to US President Obama, causing a further delay in the deal.

India's businesses invest in high risk countries for high rewards

Countries such as Libya, Syria and Afghanistan as well as African countries such as Mozambique have become prime targets for Indian investments.

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To protect itself from spy intrusions, Deutsche Telekom is instituting local routing of domestic traffic.
China had formally protested bilateral ties between the European Union and Taiwan. Beijing raised objections to the actions done by the European Parliament to build closer trade ties with Taiwan.
Discussions between US President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner to finish the budget gridlock besetting the US government.
Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz expressed disappointment as to the country's economic performance despite signs of regained momentum.
Differing opinions met the new guidelines on Indian mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry.
Jitendra Bhargava details the corruption and the mismanagement that led to the collapse of Air India.
With a possible loss of USD3 billion and failure in the lower courts, telecommunications companies have gone up to the Supreme Court to decide on the legality of New York based Aereo.
As the US partial shutdown now on its eleventh day, states were confronted into choosing between putting their own funds for federal programs or letting vital services lapse.
After its review under the Global Financial Stability Report study, Italy, Spain and Portugal stand to be financially distressed because of their exposure to possible loan defaults from corporations.
For the third straight quarter, India's consumer goods market had declined and this was attributed to a larger number of market players and declining consumer spending ability.
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