Ligresti's USD333.8M to be seized
Italy's tax police determined that around $333.8 million of Salvatore Ligresti', his daughters' and the company executives' assets will have to be seized.
Prime Minister David Cameron supports hydraulic fracturing
In an editorial on the Daily Telegraph, Prime Minister David Cameron gave his backing for hydraulic fracturing.
The cost of NSA leaks on cloud computing
One of the first victims of the Snowden affair was the closure of secure email service provider Lavabit.
UN General Assembly President lauds strong growth of Chinese economy, underscores role of emerging economies
UN General Assembly President Vuk Jeremic lauded the strong growth posted by the Chinese economy. Vuk Jeremic, the President of the United National General Assembly, told Chinese media that the world's second largest economy was among those that posted the strongest growth globally.
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President Barack Obama proposed the gradual elimination of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to speed up recovery in the housing sector.
Economists warned that while the economic reforms of President Enrique Pena Nieto are crucial to increasing wages, Mexicans would have to wait before impact would be felt.
Encrypted email platforms Lavabit and Silent Circle shut their services down after refusing to cooperate with the US government on data surveillance.
Wells Fargo Bank and American Express credit cards have agreed to offer a credit card to the consumer credit market.
In an interview on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno", President Obama confirmed the presence of a significant al Qaeda threat.
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Warm weather and sporting victories boosted sales of retailers in the UK this July. Warm weather and sporting victories boosted sales of retailers in the UK.
According to data by the Financial Supervisory Service, Chinese investments in South Korea's local securities increased 42 times since late 2008.
The Bank of Japan (BOJ) would most likely hold on to its present monetary policy as the Japanese economy shows signs of improvement, sources told Reuters.
The Bay Area Rapid Transit workers union was poised to go on strike but was averted by the 11th hour intervention of California Governor Jerry Brown.