
Brent Crude Trades Lower Than US$100 Per Barrel

Brent Crude trades lower than US$100 per barrel after OPEC keeps its production target constant. (Photo : Reuters)A gas station employee filling up a vehicle.

Food Safety Changes: The Key to Shanghui Acquisition of Smithfield

Shanghui International Holding Ltd. stated its key to success from acquiring Smithfield Food Inc. Wan Long, the chairman of Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd.

Deadline Extended for DBS to Takeover PT Bank Danamon Indonesia

DBS Group Holdings Ltd. has extended the deadline to takeover PT Bank Danamon Indonesia from Temasek Holdings PTE.

Dubai Shares Increased to Its Highest after HSBC Strengthens MSCI Bets

Dubai shares moves up to its highest since 2008 and could end up being reclassified by HSBC to emerging market status.

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SAC Capital Advisors LP is bracing for more than US$3.5 billion redemption notices from outside investors.
Bilfinger is setting its sights to the Asian and North American markets for expansion. Bilfinger SE, the construction and industrial services conglomerate from Germany is planning to expand into Asia or North America through acquisitions.
After completion of prerequisites, the second tranche of the Euro bailout plan for Greece was released.
German, Belgian, French and other bonds have been falling in the world market. (Photo : Reuters)The image is a bond market trader grimacing at the numbers.
UBS AG France is under investigation for its bank practices. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the UBS sign on its corporate headquarters. The French unit of UBS AG has been placed under formal inquiry as part of an investigation started in 2012 over the practices conducted by the bank in France, according to a spokesperson.
HSBC is planning to sell off shares totalling of 98.94% of its stake with the PT Bank Ekonomi in Indonesia.
Erajaya Swasembada and Foxconn Technology Group are said to be discussing a deal of partnership for the Indonesian market.
The Kingdom Hotel Investment sells a hotel in Mauritius to Hawaiian-based Outrigger Hotels and Resorts.
Yelp's CFO, Rob Krolik, announced that the company's doors are open to a possible partnership with Facebook graph search feature.
Two brokerages were sanctioned after having been found out of helping fraudulent IPOs. (Photo : Reuters)The Chines flag waiving in front of rising business sectors The Securities Regulatory Commission in China will fine two brokerages for helping perpetrate fraud IPOs get listed on the bourse.
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